10 Clear Signs You Need a New Furnace
How do you know it’s time to call for furnace installation in Tucson, AZ? In the movies, furnaces often go out with a bang (sometimes literally) as the room fills with smoke. In real life, the signs aren’t always so obvious.
In this post, the experts at Eazy Breezy Heating & Cooling cover 10 clear signs you need a new furnace.
1. New Noises
The movies aren’t always wrong. New strange noises are not a good sign for your furnace. If you hear any of the following, contact your local HVAC contractors: screeching, squealing, popping, humming, rattling, grinding, buzzing, clicking, rumbling, or banging.
2. Strange Odors
A dusty smell upon starting up is usually normal, especially if your furnace hasn’t been used in a while. But if it continues to produce a musty odor or smells like exhaust, contact an expert for help.
3. Uneven Heating
A well-functioning furnace should heat your entire house evenly. Uneven heating is a sign that your furnace can’t keep up. If you notice that some rooms are hot while others are cold, it’s time to call in the pros.
4. Rust or Cracks
Keep your eyes peeled for visible signs of trouble on the unit itself. Cracks, rust, and corrosion all point to the need for awareness of furnace safety standards.
5. Poor Air Quality
Poor air quality means your furnace is struggling to remove particles from the air. If you notice a buildup of dirt or soot in your home despite regular air filter cleanings, it may be time for a new system.
6. Improper Cycling
It’s normal for your heating system to turn off and on to maintain a consistent indoor temperature. However, when your furnace cycles constantly or runs continuously, it may have a major issue.
7. Rising Energy Bills
Improperly functioning furnaces use more energy. Higher-than-average utility bills for the same home temperature suggest it’s time to invest in a newer, more efficient model.
8. Excessively Dry Air
While it’s normal for winter air to be dry, especially in Arizona, your furnace should keep your indoor air comfortable. Extensive dryness might mean your furnace needs replacing.
9. Frequent Repairs
Another sign you need a new furnace is more expensive or frequent repairs. Because many breakdowns appear in a furnace’s last two years, it often makes more financial sense to replace rather than repair it.
10. Advanced Age
Although regular maintenance can help prevent furnaces from fading before their time, all systems have a maximum lifespan. If yours is over 15 years old, consider replacing it rather than investing money in an aging system.
Older systems are also at higher risk for carbon monoxide leaks. If you see a yellow burner flame, monitor your carbon monoxide detector and call a certified technician ASAP.
Think You Need a New Furnace? Call Us Today!
If you’ve noticed any of the above signs you need a new furnace, contact Eazy Breezy Heating & Cooling today at 520-207-0334. As Tucson’s trusted HVAC team for over 17 years, our honest professionals will evaluate whether we can repair your system or need to replace it.
Frequent repairs, Poor air quality, Rising energy bills, signs you need a new furnace, Strange noises, Uneven heating, Yellow burner flame