how often change air filter hvac

How Often Should You Change the Air Filter of Your HVAC?

Maintaining a home comes with a lot of essential tasks to remember. One of those routine jobs is replacing the air filter in your HVAC system, helping your heating and cooling appliances function better, achieve your desired temperatures, and last longer. However, not all homeowners know how often to change the air filter in their HVAC systems.

Learn about changing the air filters in your heating, ventilation, and cooling system, then contact Eazy Breezy Heating & Air Conditioning, a reliable HVAC company in Tucson, AZ. We provide excellent heating and air conditioning services and can help you maintain your HVAC system.

Why Changing Your HVAC System’s Air Filter Matters

Your heating and cooling system needs a clean air filter to operate at maximum efficiency. Dirty air filters make your system work harder than necessary.

Signs You Should Replace Your HVAC Air Filter

One sign that you should replace the filter of your HVAC system is if you notice a decline in your indoor air quality. When your pets are frequently shedding, or you see an increase in allergy symptoms and sickness, it’s also a good idea to get a new air filter. Finally, if your heating and cooling systems aren’t operating at their best, you should evaluate your filter’s condition. 

How Often Should You Change Your HVAC System’s Air Filter?

Homeowners who search “how often to change the air filter of your HVAC system” should consider replacing their filters every 3 months or 90 days. However, you’ll find some cases where changing the filter more often (perhaps once a month) is worthwhile, such as the following:

  • If you have one or more pets in your home
  • If you live with or are a smoker
  • If people with allergies or respiratory problems live in the home

If you have a vacation home or residence that you rent for part of the year, you can wait longer to change your air filters. Since these systems aren’t in use all the time, you can always replace them when you start using the property again. 

Benefits of Routinely Replacing Your HVAC System’s Air Filter

Although it doesn’t take more than a few minutes, changing your air filter can have a larger impact than you may realize. Some benefits include:

  • Protect your HVAC system from an early decline
  • Spend less on repairs and replacements
  • Ensure that your system is working properly
  • Filter out dirt and particulates from your HVAC system

A high-quality HEPA filter will help improve your property’s indoor air quality and increase your system’s effectiveness. Instead of just filtering out dirt and dust, it will also trap even smaller particles and contaminants, like mold, bacteria, and more. 

Schedule Five-Star HVAC Services in Tucson, Arizona with Eazy Breezy Heating & Cooling

Knowing how often to change the air filter of your HVAC system is essential for every homeowner. If you’re looking to schedule HVAC air balancing or routine maintenance services in Tucson, AZ, the team at Eazy Breezy Heating & Cooling is here to help! Call us today at (520) 207-0334.

fall hvac tips

Seven Fall HVAC Tips for Homeowners: How You Can Prepare

If you used your air conditioner constantly over the summer, you might wonder how to prepare your HVAC system for winter. Keep reading for seven fall HVAC tips that ensure your system makes it through winter without complication.

As the top-rated HVAC experts in Tucson, our Eazy Breezy Heating & Cooling team provides prompt and reliable service from installation to maintenance and repair. To learn what we can do for you or book an appointment, call us at 520-207-0334.

1. Check Your Air Filters

Air filter replacement is easy but one of the most important ways of keeping your HVAC system in peak working condition. You can choose from various types of filters, including washable or replaceable, so ask your HVAC technician what’s best for your needs.

While some filters can last up to 90 days, you should check them for dirt buildup every month and replace or clean them as needed. If you smoke, own pets, experience allergies or respiratory issues, or live in a highly polluted area, your filter may require more frequent attention.

2. Address Leaks

Finding and plugging leaks in your windows, doors, and insulation increases your energy efficiency and helps your furnace keep your home warmer during the winter. Since your system won’t work as hard to maintain the temperature, you’ll save money on your utility bills in the long term.

3. Clean the Outdoor Unit

If you have central air or a heat pump, at least part of your HVAC system rests outside. The outdoor portion of your air conditioner or heat pump is vulnerable to dirt and debris or even small animals crawling inside and becoming stuck. As part of your fall routine, clean the unit to prevent more serious damage.

4. Inspect Safety Features

Aside from regular HVAC maintenance, one of the most important fall HVAC tips is to perform a complete system inspection for your family’s safety. Verify your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors have full batteries and work accurately.

5. Install a Programmable Thermostat

Your thermostat settings are one of the most significant indicators of your energy usage. A programmable thermostat gives you greater control over your settings, even when you’re away from home. Since it helps you run your system more efficiently, it can also increase each device’s life expectancy.

6. Clear Your Vents and Ducts

You should schedule professional duct cleaning every three to five years. However, in the fall, verify your vents and ducts are free of dust and remain unblocked by furniture or curtains.

7. Consider Upgrading

When you upgrade to an energy-efficient HVAC solution, you save money and increase your system’s life expectancy. Increased energy efficiency is environmentally friendly and leaves you with more room in your budget for discretionary spending.

Let Eazy Breezy Heating & Cooling Prepare Your HVAC System for Winter

Do you want help implementing these fall HVAC tips? Whether you have questions about basic HVAC terms or are scheduling your annual HVAC maintenance, our Eazy Breezy Heating & Cooling team offers superior service. Call 520-207-0334 to book an appointment today.

can you plug an air conditioner into a power strip

Can You Plug an Air Conditioner Into a Power Strip?

If you’ve been experiencing exceptionally hot days or nights, you might consider adding another window air conditioner. But can you plug an air conditioner into a power strip safely as you would with smaller appliances? 

As the best servicer of HVAC in Tucson, Eazy Breezy Heating and Cooling offers air conditioner maintenance, repairs, and installation to keep your home cool year round. Keep reading to find out what these experts say about using a power strip for an air conditioner and various alternatives.

There Are Some Dangers of Using a Power Strip

Let’s start with the basics. For safety reasons, you should only ever plug an air conditioner directly into the wall and never into a power strip or an extension cord. An air conditioner requires far more power than most other appliances, so using a power strip can easily cause electrical fires. 

Does your air conditioner not reach the wall? You can upgrade the unit with a special 12-foot cord.

So, can you plug an air conditioner into a power strip? No, you can’t. But even if you plug it into a wall, you’ll need a proper surge protector to counteract power surges.

There Are Several Ways to Protect Your Home and Appliances

Are you looking to protect your property’s electrical systems in really hot weather? Follow these suggestions:

  • Don’t overload outlets. Plug in one device for each plug point.
  • Only use extension cords temporarily.
  • Don’t use damaged cords.
  • Keep cords away from rugs and furniture.
  • Don’t charge electrical devices, like laptops and phones, on soft or flammable surfaces, like beds or couches. 
  • Hire a licensed electrician to handle any faulty electrical work. 
  • Schedule an electrical inspection every 10 years.

There Are Many Benefits of Installing a Surge Protector

In addition to maintaining your air conditioner, installing a surge protector is paramount to a safe home. It provides several benefits, including the following:

  • Multiple devices: With a traditional power strip, you run the risk of fire and other damage if you plug in multiple devices. A surge protector comes with a Joule rating, which makes it safe to handle more powerful devices using only a single outlet.
  • Storm protection: Lightning strikes are common causes of power surges that damage air conditioners. Without protection, it could burn out your unit and require an expensive replacement.
  • Affordability: You can find a basic surge protector for the price of a family dinner. Even if you purchase a more expensive or powerful version, it still saves you money compared to replacing burnt-out appliances.

If you live in an area with frequent storms or an old electrical grid, surge protectors are a good idea. Be sure to ask your local electrical team about whole-home surge protectors, too.

There Are Local Professionals To Tell You More!

Now you know the answer to, “Can you plug an air conditioner into a power strip?” If you’d like to know more, you can trust Eazy Breezy Heating and Cooling for answers surrounding replacing an air conditioner, installing a new furnace, and much more. Call 520-207-0334 to schedule an appointment today!

What Is Air Balancing in HVAC?

what is air balancing

You expect your HVAC system to evenly heat and cool your home every day. As long as you schedule prompt repairs and don’t overwork your system, you shouldn’t expect anything less, right? However, your HVAC system needs occasional air balancing to keep indoor air quality high and air dispersion uniform.

What is air balancing anyway? As trusted providers of HVAC services in Tucson, AZ, our team at Eazy Breezy Heating & Cooling explains this important service. Call 520-207-0334 to schedule a tune-up with us. 

What Is Air Balancing? 

Air balancing is a service during which HVAC technicians adjust and balance your home’s airflow. This service maximizes comfort while minimizing energy usage. It also ensures that your HVAC system works with your home as it changes.

A technician typically balances airflows right after unit installation. However, you might need your air rebalanced occasionally to keep each room at the same temperature. 

Why Is Air Balancing Important?

What is air balancing’s role within your home? Without properly balanced air dispersion, one room may feel cooler or warmer than the others. Unbalanced air can also affect moisture dispersion as well as temperature.

When professionals measure the amount of air going into one area, they’ll also check the fan speed, temperature changes, and humidity. They figure out how to rebalance the air for even distribution using information from these metrics. But how can you tell when you need air balancing services? 

Does Your HVAC Need Air Balancing?

Did you make any of the following changes in your home?

  • Remodeling or renovation

  • Furniture rearrangement

  • Installed more energy-efficient doors or windows

If so, you might benefit from air balancing services to ensure the right amount of conditioned air goes to each area of your home. 

You might also notice that one room feels less comfortable than another. Certain vents may also push out more air than others. Perhaps your energy bills fluctuate without explanation. Any of these occurrences make air balancing worth a look. 

How the Pros Do It

First, call and make a service appointment for air balancing. A technician will arrive at the agreed-upon time and date. They’ll proceed to perform a series of diagnostic tests to determine which areas receive more or less conditioned air. 

The solution may be as simple as adjusting the vent openings. It can also require a more complex approach, such as:

  • Adjusting the fan speed

  • Supply line replacement

  • Damper installation

  • Tuning up the unit

As a result, you’ll enjoy more predictable, comfortable airflow throughout all rooms and levels of your home. In some cases, you can include air balancing with general maintenance or tune-up packages. 

Request Air Balancing Services from Eazy Breezy Heating & Cooling

So, what is air balancing? It is a service that ensures even distribution of air and moisture for uniform temperatures and comfort throughout your home. Learn more summer HVAC tips from Eazy Breezy Heating & Cooling. 

Call 520-207-0334 to schedule air balancing and other services with us today!

summer hvac tips

5 Summer HVAC Tips Every Homeowner Should Know

As temperatures rise and outdoor projects take flight, you need a safe haven with ample cool air in which you can escape. You need your HVAC system to work reliably throughout the season. 

Our trusted HVAC contractors in Tucson, AZ, at Easy Breezy Heating & Cooling provide a few summer HVAC tips to keep your air conditioner running reliably. Call 520-207-0334 for reliable HVAC services. 

#1 Adjust Your Thermostat

Hot outdoor air tempts you to turn your thermostat down much as possible. However, this approach can overwork your HVAC unit and increase your energy bills. Permanently setting your thermostat below 75 degrees Fahrenheit during the summer months will quickly wear out numerous components, like the blower motor and compressor. 

Set your thermostat for at least 76 degrees, or gain better control of your indoor temperature settings with a smart thermostat. You can let your AC rest while you’re away. Then, turn it on before you head home and enjoy cool air when you walk in. 

You can easily manage your thermostat settings via a mobile app.

#2 Check Your Air Filters

Air filters have a big impact on your air quality and energy savings. An old, dirty air filter hampers air flow. It also allows particles of dust, mold, dander, and other allergens to recirculate through your system. 

Change your air filter every 90 days. Many HVAC technicians recommend inspecting the filter monthly to ensure its filtration performance. Monthly inspections ensure that you can replace it as soon as it starts looking grimy and dusty. 

#3 Examine Your Vents and Ducts

All too often, ducts and vents go completely unnoticed in many households. These components make up the network that transfers conditioned air into each room. As such, they are prone to buildup. 

Although your filter eliminates most of the dust from the air, particles can still collect along the insides of vents and ducts. Examine and clean your ductwork just before hot weather sets in. You can use a clean cloth, warm water, and dish soap to gently remove buildup.

One of these summer HVAC tips involves keeping the vents open for air circulation. Schedule duct cleaning services with a reliable HVAC service.  

#4 Inspect Your Outdoor Unit

In spring, go outside and check on your outdoor unit. You might notice sticks, leaves, dead grass, and other detritus sticking to the sides of it. This debris can inhibit your HVAC unit’s performance by preventing important parts from circulating the air. Carefully remove the debris yourself or seek assistance from an HVAC technician if you are unable. 

#5 Schedule Regular Maintenance

Maintenance services involve regular visits from a skilled HVAC technician. The technician will inspect indoor and outdoor units and even clean or repair certain parts like condenser coils. Maintenance services are a proactive way to better manage your HVAC system and save money.

Implement These and Other Summer HVAC Tips with Eazy Breezy Heating & Cooling

Looking for more summer HVAC tips to improve your home’s comfort and efficiency? Learn about the best thermostat location from our team at Easy Breezy Heating & Cooling. Call 520-207-0334 to schedule our professional services.

gas vs electric furnace

Gas vs. Electric Furnace: Which to Choose for Your Home

A furnace’s primary job is to keep your residential or commercial property comfy during the frost-bitten months. However, if you’re replacing or installing a new system, deciphering between gas and electric may be dizzying, especially when searching for the most cost-effective or energy-efficient furnace on the market. 

For a new, more productive way to heat your home this winter, we at Eazy Breezy Heating and Cooling will help you filter through your options. As your  furnace installation experts in Tuscon, AZ, we’ll start by weighing the pros and cons of a gas vs. an electric furnace below, leading you to make the most informed decision.

Installation Fees

Installing a gas furnace, especially if you’ve never had one before, proves more costly than an electric furnace. With more parts to install, including a new gas line and gas valve that helps heated air circulate within your home, this complex installation process could cost thousands of dollars.

Maintenance Charges

Alongside a large upfront installation cost, semi-annual maintenance fees are higher for gas furnaces since they have more parts that may become faulty over time. For instance, a professional needs to service the heat exchanger or condenser coils to prevent leaks. They may also have to repair or replace burners, ignition switches, and flame sensors, as well as other parts as your system ages. 

While each type of furnace should have bi-annual servicing done, gas furnaces prove more dangerous with potential carbon monoxide leaks, making checkups especially vital for your family’s safety.

Cost Efficiency

Although installation and maintenance are more costly with a gas furnace when considering a gas vs. an electric furnace, an electrical unit costs more to run. That makes electric furnaces more expensive in the long term. While the cost of electricity is always on the rise, fuel sources for gas furnaces come from combustible natural gas, which has become cheaper in recent years. 

The harder your system works to produce your desired indoor temperature, the more gas or electricity you’ll burn, increasing your utility bills. However, since the winter temps in Tuscon, AZ, rarely drop below 40 degrees, southern US residents can take advantage of a cheaper electric system in this moderate climate.


While natural gas fuels your gas furnace at a cheaper cost to you, the gas is always in contact with your metal heat exchanger, leading to corrosion. A lack of proper ventilation in the heat exchanger also shortens the lifespan of your gas furnace to 10 to 15 years. 

Even with semi-annual cleanings and inspections, when considering a gas vs. an electric furnace, it’s rare that the former will outlive a low-maintenance electric one that performs well over 30 years.

Get in Touch with Eazy Breezy Heating & Cooling

For an energy-efficient way to heat your home this Tuscon winter, we’ll help you find what you need. Despite your preference in the gas vs. electric furnace debate, multiple factors, including existing furnace piping and housing location, affect your choice. To better understand your options and learn more about air conditioning mistakes during the summer, call Eazy Breezy Heating and Cooling at 520-207-0334 today!

why is my ac so loud

Why Is My AC So Loud: Troubleshooting and Solutions

If you hear strange noises coming from your air conditioner, you may think, “Why is my AC so loud?”

Although your HVAC unit won’t always be completely silent, strange or loud noises can indicate different problems. Easy Breezing Heating & Cooling specializes in HVACs and can help you locate the problem and provide an effective solution.

Our HVAC technicians in Tucson have the necessary skills and tools for an effective system repair. However, you can take various troubleshooting steps to determine the cause of a loud AC unit.

Buzzing Noises

If you hear a buzzing noise coming from your AC unit, it could indicate different types of problems.

Buzzing noises can result from both minor issues and more severe problems. For example, loose internal parts can cause your system to make a loud buzzing noise. Thankfully, this is typically an easy and fast fix.

However, it could also indicate an imbalanced blower motor or a refrigerant leak. These issues are more serious and require immediate attention from your local HVAC technicians.

Hissing Noises

Hissing noises coming from your AC system could be a sign of leaking refrigerant.

Refrigerant is a critical part of your AC unit’s ability to cool the air in your home. However, it is toxic to those who consume it. Refrigerant leaks can pose a danger to pets and young children, which is why it is vital to schedule a repair as soon as possible.

Banging Noises

Why is my AC so loud? If you hear a loud banging noise, it could mean your unit has a broken component.

When internal parts like the piston pin or crankshaft break or disconnect, it can create a loud and obnoxious banging noise. Our technicians will inspect every inch of your system to locate the issue and quickly restore your air conditioner.

Clicking Noises

Clicking noises are normal when turning on your AC unit. Loud or frequent clicking noises often indicate an electrical issue. However, persistent clicking could result from a defective thermostat or another electrical component.

If you hear clicking noises coming from your unit, pay attention to the frequency. Call Easy Breezy Heating & Cooling if they persist to schedule an inspection.

Whistling Noises

A whistling AC unit could be the result of duct system issues. If your ducts are too small or poorly designed, they can create loud whistling noises when transporting air around your home.

If you suspect an air duct issue, schedule an inspection with your local HVAC technicians to determine whether you need a repair or a whole new system.

Your Tucson HVAC Experts

HVAC systems are complex and require a trained eye for effective repairs and maintenance services. Our licensed and insured technicians can help you extend the life of your unit with routine maintenance services and effective repairs. We can also show you the top air conditioning mistakes to avoid to keep your system working longer and more efficiently.

Why is my AC so loud? Call Easy Breezy Heating & Cooling in Tucson, AZ, at (520) 207-0334 to schedule an inspection and find out.

air conditioning mistakes

8 Air Conditioning Mistakes You Should Never Make as a Homeowner

We all want our air conditioners to run as efficiently as possible without compromising comfort. However, many people are guilty of poor air conditioning management, which leads to reduced comfort and increased energy bills.

As Tucson’s expert HVAC contractors, we’ve gathered some of the common mistakes we’ve seen from homeowners to help you avoid them.

Using the Wrong Size of Air Conditioning Unit 

An oversized air conditioner will cycle on and off frequently and waste more energy cooling your home. An undersized unit will work harder than necessary and wear out faster. A qualified HVAC professional will measure the space to recommend the correct air conditioner size for your home.

Ignoring Dirty Filters

Your air conditioning system brings in air from outside the home and cools it before sending it inside. The built-in filters trap dust and other contaminants in the air, improving the air quality around the space. You need to inspect and replace these filters every three months. Ignoring them makes the air conditioner work harder to cool your home, and your home’s indoor air quality will also worsen.

Ignoring Abnormal Noises

Most air conditioners will make some noise while working. However, after spending time with a unit, you’ll learn what sounds are normal and which ones aren’t. Abnormal noise signifies that your unit is due for repair or maintenance. Ignoring the noise is one of the air conditioning mistakes that will cause more damage over time.

Avoiding Routine Maintenance

Your condenser coils and other parts of your air conditioning unit experience wear and tear every time you turn it on, which is especially true in the summer months. Scheduling regular maintenance keeps your unit in good shape, and it will also help you avoid expensive repairs in the future.

Using an Old Air Conditioning Unit

With the right maintenance, your air conditioning unit can last up to 15 years. However, with each passing year, the unit’s efficiency will decrease. Over time, you’ll have an energy-guzzling unit that doesn’t provide as much cool air as it should anymore. Don’t hesitate to replace old units with newer models when necessary.

Using the Lowest Setting on Your Thermostat

A popular misconception amongst owners of air conditioning units is that turning the thermostat to the lowest setting will cool the house faster. On the contrary, it doesn’t matter: Running the unit at the lowest temperature setting will force the unit to work harder overall, increasing wear and tear.

Using the Air Conditioner When an Electric Fan Will Suffice

Electric fans can cool your home on those mildly warm days. Running your AC unit on those days will lead to more on and off cycles which is bad for the internal components.

Leaving Your Windows Open

Open windows allow cool air to escape from your home while bringing in warm air. The result is an air conditioning unit working harder than necessary. Always keep your windows closed when your air conditioner is working.

Expert HVAC Service in Tucson, AZ

Avoiding the air conditioning mistakes above is the surest way to ensure longevity for your units. Do you need more guidance? Call Eazy Breezy Heating and Cooling at 520-207-0334 for more advice. You can also continue browsing the site to learn more about our ac installation services.

how long do hvac systems last

How Long Do HVAC Systems Last: Factors That Contribute

Invest in HVAC services in Tucson from Eazy Breezy Heating & Cooling by calling our office at (520) 207-0334.

When it is time to install an HVAC unit, you want to get several years out of it. To do so, you must be aware of the factors contributing to your heating and cooling system’s lifespan.

Eazy Breezy Heating & Cooling is Tucson’s home for HVAC maintenance, installation, and repair. Our licensed and insured technicians will ensure that your heating and cooling unit lasts as long as possible, with proper maintenance treatments.

To help you set realistic expectations for your new HVAC system, below, we will answer the question, “How long do HVAC systems last?”  

Factors That Affect Longevity

Many factors impact how many years you can get from your HVAC system.

Wear and Tear

Sometimes, it is hard to avoid HVAC replacement. Over time, your heater or air conditioner will exhibit signs of wear and tear. If you do not fix these problems immediately, your AC unit will suffer.

Poor Maintenance

Another factor that impacts how long your HVAC system will last is how well you maintain it. Have a professional technician inspect your HVAC unit at least twice per year. These inspections allow you to get ahead of potential long-term problems.

Oversized or Undersized Unit

Often, an HVAC technician may install an oversized or undersized unit in your home. Doing so will cause your heating and cooling unit to run inefficiently. Consult with our HVAC technicians to find the best size heater or cooler for your home.

Life Spans for HVAC Systems

So, how long do HVAC systems last? It depends on what kind of heating and cooling system you have.

Furnace – You can expect to get 15 to 20 years out of your furnace. However, you must invest in maintenance to reach that life expectancy.

Boiler – Typically, boilers will last around 35 years. When your heat exchange leaks, it is a sign that you must replace your boiler.

Air Conditioner – A typical air conditioning unit has an average lifespan of 18 years. If you live in a coastal area, that lifespan decreases to ten years due to salt exposure.

Heat Pump – Heat pumps tend to last around a decade and a half. Compressor failures are the biggest reason why HVAC technicians replace heat pumps.

Ductless Mini-Splits – For ductless mini-split units, expect to get a replacement every 20 years. Coastal areas should replace these units every decade.

Schedule an Appointment Today

People who ask us, “How long do HVAC systems last?” also ask about other parts of their HVAC system. Here are some common HVAC terms you can familiarize yourself with.

Eazy Breezy Heating & Cooling provides exceptional HVAC maintenance services to Tucson, AZ, homes, and businesses. Our contractors are licensed and insured, meaning we assume all liability during service calls. Call our office today at (520) 207-0334 to schedule an appointment.

We are also available 24/7 for emergency services!

hvac terms

13 Basic HVAC Terms for Homeowners

If you’re a homeowner, learning the common terminology of your HVAC system will serve you well. After all, you’ll probably need to call an HVAC technician at some point to do a repair or a tune-up.

Read on to learn the most commonly discussed HVAC terms from our Eazy Breezy experts in heating and air conditioning in Tucson, AZ, and make your next HVAC consultation a breeze.

HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning)

The term HVAC covers all ventilation, air conditioner, or heat systems. For instance, central air systems, heat pumps, and boilers all fall under the HVAC umbrella.


Your ductwork includes the network of air ducts that distribute air throughout your home. However, not all HVAC systems depend on ductwork for air circulation. For example, a ductless or mini-split heat system relies on wall-mounted units instead.

Liquid Refrigerant

Liquid refrigerant is the chemical compound an air conditioner uses to absorb heat. Other air conditioner parts transform the liquid refrigerant to vapor, which produces an air conditioner’s cooling effect.

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

IAQ describes how the air affects the health of those within or around a building.


Compressors are air conditioner components that pressurize refrigerant gas to turn it into a liquid, enabling the refrigerant to absorb heat.

Evaporator Coil

Evaporator coils make up the interior-facing part of an air conditioner that cools liquid refrigerant so it can absorb heat from your home. The evaporator coil then collects the absorbed heat and transfers it to the condenser coil.

Condenser Coil

The condenser coil comprises the exterior-facing section of an air-conditioner and releases the indoor heat collected by the evaporator coil.

Heat Pump

Your heat pump is one of the more confusing HVAC components since this device cycles both warm and cold air through a reversing valve. In winter, a heat pump absorbs heat from outside and transfers it into your home to warm it. Alternatively, a heat pump works like an air conditioner during the summer by transferring the heat inside your home outdoors.

SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio)

Your SEER is an energy-efficiency ratio found by dividing your unit’s total cooling output during a typical hot season by its total energy input during that same season. Most modern air conditioners have an SEER rating of 13 to 21. For example, an air conditioner with a SEER rating of 20 indicates superior energy efficiency.


A furnace is a gas-fired heating system. This system burns gas to generate heat, then distributes the heat using a motor fan.


A filter prevents harmful air particles from entering your HVAC system. You should clean and replace your filters regularly to ensure their effectiveness.

MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Values)

MERV is an air filter rating system based on a scale of 1 to 16. For example, a MERV rating of 16 indicates a high-performing filter.


ENERGY STAR is the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) certification program that helps buyers select the most energy-efficient HVAC systems and appliances.

Eazy Breezy HVAC Services in Tucson, AZ

Congratulations on becoming an expert in commonly used HVAC terms. Now that you know all the terms of the trade, call one of our Eazy Breezy Heating & Cooling professionals at 520-207-0334 to learn more about AC repair services in Tucson, AZ.

Contact Us

Eazy Breezy Heating and Cooling can provide you with regular tune-ups for both your furnace and air conditioner in your Tucson home. We’re professionals, so we’ll always provide you with the best service possible. Don’t wait another day before getting the routine maintenance you need–call us today!

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3710 S Park Ave #705
Tucson, AZ 85713

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